Nurture Marketing- The Ultimate Guide

When you look up the meaning of the word ‘Nurture’ on google, it shows:

‘care for and protect (someone or something) while they are growing’ or ‘help or encourage the development of’

Well, this is the generic meaning of the word ’Nurture’ but one must wonder how exactly does it fit in the marketing world?

Nurture Marketing- The Ultimate Guide

In our discussion here about ‘Nurture Marketing,’ we will be referring a lot to ‘Marketing Automation’ and ‘Inbound Marketing’. So, let’s start with what Nurture marketing is all about, and then we will move onto discussing how all these depend on one another.

What is Nurture Marketing?

Nurture campaigns basically refer to entertaining and engaging with the audience via email, based on segments, buyer persona, attributes, or behavior of contacts. A well-executed nurture campaign can help you convert cold leads into warm leads.

What is Marketing Automation?

We are living in an age where automation has taken over most of the industries and the marketing sector is no stranger to it. Marketing Automation simply means automating various repetitive marketing tasks using software (bots at times). Marketing is a booming industry and as the competitive landscape within the industry increases, marketing teams lookout for ways that can streamline their marketing efforts. Marketing Automation offers that platform by automating various tasks like social media scheduling, email marketing, blog publishing, and so on.

What role Marketing Automation plays in Nurture Marketing will be discussed once we have set the playing field.

What is Inbound Marketing?

Hubspot, the kings of Inbound world define the term as:

“Inbound marketing is a business methodology that attracts customers by creating valuable content and experiences tailored to them. While outbound marketing interrupts your audience with content they don’t always want, inbound marketing forms connections they are looking for and solves problems they already have.”

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How they work together?

So when we talk about a successful Nurture Marketing campaign, Inbound methodology and Marketing Automation sit at the heart of it. While an efficiently executed inbound methodology can successfully attract relevant and target audience, marketing automation can help marketers set up nurture campaigns from the get-go.


Technology has broadened the scope and reach of marketing campaigns. Also, now more than ever, marketing has become a crucial business strategy. However, execution is where many marketers lose many of their potential customers. While continuously sending out marketing emails can be considered spammy and can backfire your marketing efforts, a wisely thought and executed nurture sequence can help you build your brand.

When defining a Nurture campaign, always remember: Sending out the right content with the right context at the right time is very important.

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