Why Your Business Need a CRM system?

I remember the time when I started my professional career and Excel sheets were considered as the best tool for recordkeeping and managing client data. Times have changed fast and the technological boom has greatly influenced how we used to build healthy customer relationships. Everyday new techs, tools and software are making their way into the professional world. Automation has made human tasks easier by eliminating manual repetitive tasks.

And Excel worksheets that were once considered as a vital tool for Client relationship managers have now been replaced by the rapid infusion of CRM systems. While many businesses have already realised the potential of CRM systems, many are still figuring out whether their business really needs a CRM.

Well, let’s make that decision a bit easier for you!!

Why Your Business Need a CRM system?

But before we go on to list down a few reasons why your business needs a CRM system in place, here’s an overview on ‘What is a CRM system?’.

What is a CRM System?

CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management and a CRM software is designed to keep all the customer/prospect information at one place that is encrypted within multiple layers of data security. It helps an organisation in gathering insights on the customer behaviour as well as reaching out to them via automated emails, chat support, etc.All in all a CRM system centralizes customer information, boosts efficiency and defines a healthy customer journey.

  1. Manage Marketing Campaigns

    With the scope of Digital marketing rising every day, capturing leads and outreaching them via Email, Inmail, as well as other social channels has become a priority for businesses. A CRM system can be a valuable tool for a business specially for the sales team. A CRM can integrate easily with various marketing campaigns to capture and record leads via automation. It allows you to streamline your sales process while they can focus more on closing customers rather than investing time in manually feeding prospect data.

  2. Onboarding New client/prospect

    A smooth onboarding ecosystem is the first step towards developing strong customer relationships. A CRM can not only record client/prospect information but can actively engage with them via automated mails. A CRM can be configured to send out welcome mails whenever a new prospect subscribes.It can also be used to send out automated emails containing your profile deck so that the prospect can get better insights on your business processes and services.

  3. Data Security

    The one most basic thing that the Excel sheets lacked was Data security. Anyone with access to the sheet could change/modify data without leaving any traces behind. However, a CRM system hides the data within security layers and keeps a track of any changes that are being made to it.

  4. Prevent losing existing customers

    Attracting new clients is a sign of growth but losing existing customers is a sign of losing trust. As a business owner, no one enjoys to see his/her loyal customers to be lost to a competitor. Once again a CRM system can be your day saver as it can keep the existing customers hooked by sending out monthly newsletters, keep them updated about the latest happenings within your company as well as aid them in case they need help. You can also integrate automated chatbots on your website with a CRM and answer to the queries of existing customers as well as new prospects.

  5. Build strong Inter-departmental cooperation

    Apart from aiding in building strong customer relationships, CRM systems can contribute equally in fostering inter-departmental cooperation. It can align the goals and results of various departments including sales team, marketing team, development team, etc, thereby boosting organisational productivity and efficiency. Upgrading existing inter-departmental cooperation will only help in better addressing customer pain points. Easily share insights, leads, issues, and solutions within the organisation and help your business grow.

  6. Save time and resources

    One of the most important reasons to incorporate a CRM system is that it can save you valuable time, money and resources. From manually feeding client data to using automated processes, a CRM is what businesses need to start using if they aren’t already.

Summing Up:

Technology, automation and adaptability are like the three pillars that define how strong your business’ foundation is. From identifying promising leads to following up on them, CRM systems can significantly contribute in business growth. A CRM offers your business a central place to keep all the client information and aid in building client relationships.

Also See: Why Your Small Business Needs A Business Growth System