Analysing Social Channels to better understand your audience

If you want to see marketing success this year, then social media marketing holds an important position in your digital marketing campaigns. Marketers understand the value of creating, posting, and sharing valuable content in order to convert the visitors into customers.

Analysing Social Channels to better understand your audience

Businesses often narrow down their decision to simply use some of the platforms that will permit them to center their endeavors and get the best profit for their time.

Identifying brand personality

Just like people, businesses have personalities too. Marketers think that brand personality only matters for B2C but it is a myth.

Brand personality isn't always tied in with attempting to be unique, interesting, or showy. It is essentially about establishing a long-term connection with the content you post on social media channels.

While building brand personality, you have to be sure about many things, like - you can’t use the same content on multiple social media platforms. Also, you will need to choose your words correctly because people can take offense easily and it will bring a bad response to your brand.

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Choosing the proper social media platform

According to research done by Hubspot - Social media has allowed 92% of marketers in improving their brand’s recognition. So, if you are not utilising social media to maximise your brand’s awareness then you are missing a lot of things.

Here are three stages to figure out which social media channel is ideal for your brand.

Stage 1 - Determine your target audience

The initial step is to recognise your target audience. You need to be pretty much as precise as could be expected since it will make decisions-process simpler. You have to answer the below stated inquiries -

  • Who is going to be your buyer?
  • What is the age group you want to target?
  • Do you want to target any particular sex or gender?
  • What is their profession?
  • What is the level of their income and education?

Stage 2 - Set your objectives

Now that you understand your audience, your work here is to set your objectives. These goals include your short-term as well as long-term social media strategies.

You have to choose whether your main goal is to derive engagement, brand recognition, or develop customer support and friendly relations.

The best example of this is the TeamNike Twitter handle of Nike. Here they offer great customer support services in which they solve issues and provide answers to their customer’s queries. They give answers in seven different languages.

Customers here tag them and TeamNike provides creative and funny solutions. In this way, they engage and capture the attention of their followers, while solving their issues.

Stage 3 - Search your target audience

Now, you know your audience and have already defined the goals, it is the time you go and look for your target audience. Based on the first and second steps, you have to start searching for your audience.

With the help of this information, you can understand the right platform on which you have to create your account and drive engagement. For example - if your company sells B2B products or services then making an account on Linkedin is more efficient and effective than Instagram.

Conclusion -

Picking the most suitable social media platforms and KPIs are the key to get better results on your social media marketing campaigns. As a marketer, you must have a deep knowledge of social media analytics and the tools through which you can measure performance.

Having the right strategies help the markets in making a roadmap that tells them the right path they should move towards.

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