Tips to Stay Healthy and Boost Your Immunity During Coronavirus Outbreak

You can’t disagree with the saying “Health is wealth” and specifically in these tough times when the global health is suffering. 2020 never began as expected and we are already 3 months into it and all that the world has seen are devastating images of death and infection, owing to the COVID-19 outbreak. The whole world is fighting tooth and nail against this pandemic and like all tough times, there is always something to learn, the Coronavirus spread has taught us that no amount of money can buy you better health. Studies have shown that a healthy being with a higher level of immunity can fight the COVID-19 better and the numbers clearly suggest many such people have recovered too.

Now, we can’t undo that damage that has already been done but we can promise ourselves a healthy life by staying fit and keeping our immunities boosted. A healthy lifestyle should always be a top priority for everyone and if you still haven’t considered that, now is the time to start taking care of your body.

Tips to Stay Healthy and Boost Your Immunity During Coronavirus Outbreak

This article is dedicated towards ‘staying fit’ and we will be discussing how you don’t need to be a fitness freak or hit the gym regularly to be healthy, just a few tips with a nutrient-rich diet will serve the purpose.

Daily Routine For A Healthy And Fit Body

Stretching and Running

Start the with stretching your body for a few minutes to get ready for a running session. One your body is warmed enough after stretching, start your running session and dedicate 10-15 mins to it. Running is good for building stamina, endurance and build your lower body strength.

Full body exercise

After running, dedicate some time to full body exercise which may involve jumping jacks, lifting weights, push-ups, plank, cross-crunches, lunges, squats, high knees, and dead bugs. Follow this procedure on a daily basis and you’ll clearly start witnessing the difference in your body within a month.

Breakfast like a Prince, Lunch like a King and Dinner like a Pauper

Yes, this is a very old saying and helps the body stay fit and healthy. Your lunch should be the heaviest meal of the day while the dinner should be as light as possible. This regimen keeps the digestion in check and increases metabolism.

Height-Weight Balance

No matter what your age is, a height-weight balance is very crucial for maintaining a fit and healthy body. Too bulky or too lean both aren’t a good sign. It is advisable to consult a dietician to keep a balance between your height and weight.

How To Boost Immunity

Start the day with drinking water and continue that all-day long:

The first thigh one should do after getting up is to drink water as it helps in flushing out the toxins from the body. As the day progresses, drinking water at regular intervals shouldn’t be skipped as it keeps the digestion in check and keeps the body hydrated and toxin-free, thereby boosting immunity.

Avoid smoking drinking

It is no brainer that smoking and drinking can cause significant harm to the body including damaging the normal functioning of the lungs, liver, and kidneys. Moreover, a sedentary lifestyle involving smoking and drinking can result in immune and autoimmune disorders, thus reducing the body’s ability to fight diseases.

Yoga/ Meditation

Doing Yoga and meditation regularly is helpful in lowering the stress hormones that are an integral part of the immune system. Also, yoga includes various breathing exercises that can assist in conditioning the lungs and respiratory tract, further stimulating the lymphatic system to eliminate toxins from the body and bring in more oxygenated blood to the various organs of the body.

Include essential nutrients like Vitamin C, E, and B6 in your diet

Vitamin C is the most important nutrient that acts as an immune booster and can’t simply be missed. Some Vitamin C enriched food items are oranges, strawberries, bell peppers, grapefruits, spinach, kale, broccoli, etc.

Vitamin E has antioxidant properties that helps the body in fighting infection. Include peanuts, almonds, vegetable oils, etc in your regular diet to maintain a healthy supply of Vitam E in your body.

Vitamin B6 helps the body in supporting biochemical reactions occurring in the immune system. Seafood items like salmon and tuna and green vegetables are rich sources of Vitamin B6.

Sound Sleep

A seven to eight hours of sound sleep is very crucial for boosting your immune system since a disciplined sleeping pattern improves the immune cells also known as T cells to fight off infections.


The human body is like a machine with the main difference being that there aren’t spare parts available and therefore, keeping it fit and healthy should always be a priority. The fitter the body is, the better it will be, in performing day to day tasks. It doesn’t ask much, just a few hours of sleep regularly, along with a balanced intake of nutrients and regular workouts. If you can just provide that to your body, you are sure to live through your years, healthy, wealthy and wise.

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