How to Build a Brand Identity in 5 Steps?

Branding is one of the most important aspects of any business. A good brand identity can help build trust with your customers and make them feel like they know you. To build a successful brand, start by defining your company's personality, values, mission statement and story. Then use these elements to create an effective visual identity that communicates who you are to people who haven't met you yet.

Define Your Brand

Define your brand in 3 words

The brand is not just a logo, website, tagline or social media account. It's the feeling you want to create with them all together. Think about how you want people to feel when they think of your company, and then write down those three words that describe what it means to be part of your brand identity.

Come Up With Brand Values

Once you've created a name for your brand, it's time to define your values. The idea of "brand values" might seem abstract, but they're actually quite simple: They represent what makes your business unique and different from other brands in its category. For example, if you sell coffee beans online and want to stand out from the competition, one way could be by offering fair trade products that support small-scale farmers in developing countries (this is one of Starbucks' core principles).

You should make sure that everything related to your business reflects these core ideas at all times; this will help establish consistency across all aspects of marketing communications.

Create a Mission Statement

A mission statement is a short and memorable phrase describing your business's purpose. It should be clear, concise and memorable.

For example: "To help people find their ideal career by providing them with the tools they need to get started."

What's Your Story?

The next step is to figure out your story. What's your brand identity? Who are you, and what do you stand for?

Are you a luxury brand, or do people associate your product with being affordable and accessible? Do they think of it as high-quality or somewhere in between? Are there other competitors in the space that might be more well-known than yours but also have a reputation for being expensive or elitist?

Use this information not just to define who your target audience is but also how best to communicate with them through design elements like fonts (if any), colours (what colour scheme should we use), imagery (what kind of photos will resonate most deeply) etc.

Use Your Brand Identity to Create a Personality

Now that you have a solid brand identity, it's time to use that in your marketing and communication efforts.

Here are some ways to do so:

  • Define your brand personality. What kind of tone of voice do you want to use? Are there any elements of humour or fun that can be incorporated into the communications? How should customers perceive their interactions with your company? These are all questions worth asking before creating any marketing materials or messaging for customers.
  • Use consistent messaging across channels. Whether it's email newsletters, Facebook posts or tweets on Twitter—they all need to fit together seamlessly so as not to confuse people who might see them at different times (and via different devices).



The takeaway from this article is that your brand identity should be the core of your marketing strategy. It will help you build trust with your audience and create a community that supports your business. Your brand identity can also be used to attract new customers by creating a personality for them to identify with.