5 Reasons Why UX Should Be a Priority for Modern Day Marketers

Have you ever had a bad experience with an app? Maybe it was too hard to find what you were looking for, or maybe the design made it difficult to use on your phone. If this sounds like you, then it's time to put user experience (UX) at the top of your priority list.

Now that you've heard the term UX, you must be wondering, what does it really mean? It's a fancy word for making sure that your customers can use your product or service without needing to call customer support every five minutes.

5 Reasons Why UX Should Be a Priority for Modern Day Marketers

The digital marketing world has changed dramatically since the rise of social media. It's no longer just about creating content for your website and driving traffic to it in order to increase leads, sales, etc. Nowadays, businesses must focus on their UX in order to grow their business.

A big part of that is understanding what customers are facing and how they are supposed to; when they interact with a brand through all channels including web browsers, mobile devices, apps, chatbots or voice assistants. For example, Amazon is famous for its UX design which makes shopping easy and fun by providing recommendations based on past purchases or browsing habits.

Why is positive UX important for Digital Marketers?

In today's world, user experience is just as important if not more so than the product itself. UX can make or break your company. Let’s look at some of the reasons why UX is a necessity.

Excellent UX build customer relationships

UX matters. It's an inevitable element to building relationships with your customers and it can make or break a business if not done right. Conducting user experience research is just as important, but oftentimes overlooked in favour of more tangible features.

In a world where customer service is king, it's clear that having good UX will give you an advantage over other businesses.

UX improves conversion rate

You need to create an engaging website that will draw in prospects and convert them into customers. A good user experience is key for building trust with your users, which ultimately drives up conversions on the site or app they're using as well!

A well designed, easy-to-navigate site can help make the process of purchasing from an online retailer or service faster and more streamlined. Our team works with clients every day who've found their way here because they wanted something specific - what better time than now for them to also be able to find out where it is at.

Design astonishing landing pages

Create a user-friendly landing page with the latest design trends to increase sales for your company. As per digitalmarketinginstitute.com 79% of users surveyed confess to looking for one more site if the one they arrived on doesn't satisfy their hopes. Start with an attractive graphic for the homepage or lead magnet; explain what makes them unique in one sentence then list all other benefits including pricing information.

A mobile-friendly website is a win for everyone!

The way we surf the internet has changed dramatically in recent years. With smartphones being shipped with higher resolutions and larger screens than ever before, it's become essential to make sure your site looks good on these devices too if you want people all around the world - not just those who use desktop computers -to view what's inside of them.

How can Gluu help?

At Gluu, We are a group of experts who understand your pain point. You might be hiring experts with salaries in thousands but not getting the desired results. We know you are looking for someone to help with digital marketing strategy or social media management and whatnot.

Let us hear from you on how we can help!

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